There are many different reasons why you may want to have a COVID-19 swab test. Maybe you’re travelling abroad (Fit to Fly Certificate included), Test to Release, you need a test for work or you’re attending a social event such as meeting friends and family over the holidays. Our In-store COVID-19 PCR Testing Service is a convenient way to get a nose and throat swab PCR test to check for a current COVID-19 infection.
For Day 2 PCR Tests click here: DAY 2 PCR
If your destination accepts certified Antigen Tests you can order one here for home use and a certificate will be provided. Please note that this is a self administered test and requires you to upload a photo to obtain a certificate.
The In-store COVID-19 Testing Service (PCR) is suitable for adults and children. For children aged 12 or under, the sample will need to be collected by a parent under supervision of a memeber of our team. It’s not suitable for anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, or anyone who thinks they may have COVID-19. Anyone with coronavirus symptoms can get a free NHS COVID-19 test.
If you’re flying abroad, please book your appointment no earlier than 96-72 hours before your flight (Depending your desination/Airlines requirements). Try to book as close to this timeframe as you can and no later than 60 hours before your flight. This is to make sure you don’t book too early before you travel. If you don’t book within this timeframe it’s possible you may not receive your results in time. Please see for the latest advice from the FCO.
The appointment including the swab test will take about 15 minutes.
This service costs £99. Including a Fit to Fly certificate if needed.
Please read carefully before coming into store for your appointment.